Research & Initiatives
As natural geomaterials and geologic formations commonly involve considerable inherent variability and complexities, the characterization of subsurface conditions is one of the most challenging yet important activities required for the successful planning, design, construction, and operation of civil infrastructure as well as for any geotechnical construction projects. Especially in urban environments, it is important to establish effective and optimized site investigation/ monitoring programs depending on specific targets (e.g., underground construction, tunneling, urban-risk prevention, etc.). Furthermore, geo-characterization is critical to identify and assess possible geo-hazards (landslide, earthquake, liquefaction potential, sinkhole, etc.) and to find appropriate mitigation measures. In a broad sense, the GeoMS group has worked towards these key-related research topics through integrated testing programs with advanced data analysis and interpretation methods (e.g., statistics-based approach, Bayesian Network, Machine Learning). Especially, a focused research area centers on the measurement, evaluation, and application of seismic waves, with a particular interest in advanced geotechnical & geophysical site characterization.
• Topic: ‘Advanced Geophysical Site Characterization/Monitoring’ & ‘Sustainable Geo-materials’
(1) Subsurface exploration using emerging seismic methods for sustainable infrastructure development
(1.1) Non-invasive near-surface geophysical method:
(1.1.a) A new passive seismic imaging using urban traffic noise
(1.1.b) Non-invasive geophysical study with surface wave techniques - MASW, MAM, FWI, HVSR
(1.2) Continuous & refined underground survey with emerging techniques:
(1.2.a) Continuous-interval field Vs profiling by auto-source and seismic piezocone tests
(1.2.b) Seismic cross-hole tomography for near-surface site investigation
(2) Unified characterization of geo-material properties & Sustainable ground improvement
(2.1) In-situ seismic wave-based global correlation study for evaluating soil properties:
(2.1.a) Geostatic stress state & stress history evaluation by paired directional shear waves
(2.1.b) Seismic wave (mainly Vs-based) approach for estimating soil properties
(2.2) Innovative use of new cementitious materials & Lab-scale modeling for seismic wave-based geo-characterization:
(2.2.a) Innovative use of new cementitious binders for soft soil improvement & Stiffness and strength characteristics of cemented soil with non-destructive (elastic wave) monitoring
(2.2.b) Lab-scale mechanical wave application study